Title: Meadowsweet Author: faynia Pairing: Gen; Merlin Word Count: 100 Warning: N/A Rating: G Prompt: adventdrabblesday 2. Prequel to LitEverything smelled better in the winter. In every hearth a fire blazed warm and inviting. Woodsmoke hung heavy on the air and mingled with the faintest traces of lavender and meadowsweet that covered the floors. Merlin balanced the
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Title: Lit Author: faynia Pairing: Gen; Gwen & Morgana Word Count: 150 Warning: Minor Spoilers from 2x08 Rating: G Prompt: adventdrabblesday 1 and merlinadvent day 1: using the prompt "The woman of Camelot!"
Title: First Kiss Author: faynia Characters: Albus and Lily Potter Rating: G Word Count: 253 Summary: Hot summer days and birthday parties. A/N: Written for 50 Kids Table prompt: sister.
Title: Before the Train Author: faynia Characters: Draco Malfoy, Scorpius Malfoy Prompt: draco100 Prompt 44: Before Hogwarts Rating: G Word Count: 100 Summary: Wind brushed the quilt draped over the edge of the crib into Draco's hands.
Title: Naked Running Author: faynia Pairing: Gen- Harry, Albus Severus and James Sirius Rating: G Word Count: 100 Summary: Albus has picked up a new habit
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